{"Project API"}

API Documentation
Each of my websites, and API research projects run as individual projects. I am currently pushing forward over 200 seprate projects, which range from API design, to US government open data. I use this project API to allow me to organize project details, and publish the results to Github repos, white papers, and other destinations. This API provides me a single window to work with all my API projects, and the content, code, and data that go into them.
Kin Lane Project API OpenAPI Spec
all projects /project/ GET
add a project post /project/ POST
projects by week /project/byweek/ GET
draft projects /project/draft/ GET
published projects /project/published/ GET
delete project /project/{project_id}/ DELETE
Retrieve a project using its slug /project/{project_id}/ GET
update project /project/{project_id}/ PUT
project tags /project/{project_id}/tags/ GET
add tag to project /project/{project_id}/tags/ POST
delete project tag /project/{project_id}/tags/{tag} DELETE
project tags by week /project/tags/byweek/ GET
project tags by week projects /project/tags/byweek/{tag}/project/ GET